Member Spotlight: Jennie!

Jennie as been with Delirium since the early days in Del’s basement. We call her our “Cardio Queen”. It is her dedication and hard work that earn her a place in the spotlight. She always comes with a “can do” attitude and great energy. Although she doesn’t like man-makers, she has gained a ton of ground on the strength floor! Read Jennie’s answers to get an idea of how amazing she is and why Delirium is the right fit for her!
Where are you in your fitness journey and have has Delirium Fitness helped you along the way?
Exercise has always been an important part of my life since it is my stress relief. For the past 20 years, most of my workouts have been focused around running (still my favorite). However, as I’ve aged, I recognize that I need to increase my strength, improve my balance to avoid future falls, and get a cardio workout in more than one avenue since running involves a lot of pounding on my joints. Delirium Fitness has been perfect for me! I have arm muscles for the first time in my life (Del even complimented my push-ups!), my balance has improved, and I’ve learned that I pretty much enjoy all types of cardio! I guess that’s why they call me Cardio Queen!
When asked what her favorite thing about Delirium is, this was her answer:
I have too many “favorites” to list just one! One of my favorite things about Delirium Fitness is the flexibility. As a working mom with a crazy schedule, I love being able to choose between an early morning class or early evening class depending on my work calendar and commute to Dearborn. I also love the weekend drop-in classes since I often need to support my children’s sports activities and the flexibility is perfect for me. Another favorite is the people! I’ve made so many friendships in the past two years and the women I’ve met are so inspirational. The coaches push me to be my best – what more can you ask for? I love how the workouts are tailored to meet your specific needs – from training for a race or recovering from an injury. Finally, I love all the monthly challenges and the exposure to try new activities – from cycling to yoga to nutritional seminars. I cannot say enough positive things about Delirium Fitness!

Member Spotlight: Meg!

When Meg came to our Athleta event last January, she hadn’t been working out in a gym since before her children (Molly, 4 & Mayer, 2) were born.
She was nervous and slightly intimidated by what she thought was going to be “too challenging” for her. What she discovered was a supportive staff and encouraging members—and she had a very successful workout. She continues to amaze us with her strength and power abilities in the studio and has made so much improvement, we wanted to shed the spotlight on Meg.
“Delirium has played a big part in helping me get back into a fitness routine. I’ll never forget my first class at Delirium. I was full of self-doubt and not much confidence. But after each class, I started to feel better and better about myself and realized I was much stronger than I knew.”
Meg has a very busy schedule with her two children and her photography business (Meg Dula Photography) but she not only works out a couple times each week, she also assists in the childcare room.
“The fact that the members all collaborate to make sure the kids can be taken care of while the moms workout is so helpful,” Meg states. Meg claims her least favorite part of Delirium is the AirDyne bikes; and the supportive staff and members the most.

Member Spotlight: Wendy

Wendy amazes us every day with her dedication to her wellness and fitness.  She cycles, does strength circuits, and yoga.  She won the “Participation Challenge” in September by showing up more than anyone, so this month we highlight her!  After years of experience, why has…

Member Spotlight: Val


Valerie Haeussler has been with Del since the beginning, when her small classes were in her basement.  Two years ago, she was taking one class per week and couldn’t do a pushup. She attends classes five to six days a week now and embodies the spirit of Delirium!  “She stands taller, has more energy, smiles more, is faster, stronger, and talks back more now” says Del!


 I am and will continue to be a work in progress, but I have seen a tremendous amount of positive changes in myself since starting at Delirium, both mentally and physically! I’m not sure where to start… there are so many things about me that are improved.

I could NOT run when I started (not even 60 seconds) but now I can get a mile done in under 10 minutes. That may not impress many, but to me it’s huge! When I started on this journey, I’m not sure I ever thought I could really do it, but with encouragement and determination, I’ve gotten stronger and stronger, one day at a time. I love how much stronger I am both mentally and physically. I have a lot more confidence in myself and my abilities and am impressed with the definition I’m starting to see in the mirror!

 With a family history of diabetes and heart disease, my biggest goal is to stay healthy and active! It’s also great to not have the mental drag or “fog” in the afternoons like I used to before becoming regularly active! Being more physically fit also makes me more mentally fit and more successful at my full time job at U of M.  Not to mention, I am a lot more patient and less stressed at home.


 I can’t pick one!   My absolute favorite thing about Delirium are the people and energy – I’ve become good friends with many of the amazing women from Delirium. I truly love how motivating and inspiring everyone is towards each other.

I never thought I’d be able to get to a work out at 5 am, but knowing my friends are there and expecting me, it’s become one of my favorite parts of the day.

I am grateful for the terrific instructors! They all know how and when to push us to do our personal best. Proper form is always a priority with the instructors, too, so we don’t get hurt, and I really, really appreciate that! The instructors make Delirium standout!

 I also love the flexibility of start-times and options now that there is also cycling and yoga!

 I absolutely love the variety of exercises we do—all challenging and fun! Every day is something new and I look forward to every workout. 

Thanks for being Delirious about fitness with us,Val! 

Member Spotlight: Martha & Lisa

They are 26 years apart and lead very different lives, but have both found their “Fitness Tribe” at Delirium and have gained new strength and healthy lifestyle habits.  (we have members spanning from 17 years old to 78!)

Their dedication and hard work has landed them in the spotlight this month.

Delirium really is a special place, and they both can attest to it!


Meet Martha Bianchi!

I am 59 years old and a mother of three grown children. My husband Jim and I will be celebrating our 34th wedding anniversary this summer. I currently work as the Secretary at the Saline Middle School.

Before I started Delirium, I was overweight and tired all the time. My knees hurt constantly and it was hard to walk up and down stairs. I wanted to lose some weight and feel better.

I have been with Delirium for a little over a year.  I love the variety that Delirium has – The workouts changed every day. Not a chance of getting bored. 

I love the camaraderie I have found at Delirium. I started Delirium with one of my closest friends because I know I needed the support and encouragement she would give me – Eileen has done just that but I have also found a whole new group of women who inspire and encourage me every time I am there. 

I feel so much better since I have been going to Delirium. I enjoy going to work out now and actually miss it if I don’t go. I have tons of more energy and I have started to see the weight begin to come off and have gone down a size in my clothes.

Because of Delirium I want to be more healthy in all parts of my life – I have been eating healthier and have cut down on my soda intake.

Cardio was my biggest challenge –I got winded very easily, but now I can now run on the treadmill!   

I love Delirium – couldn’t have done it without all the great members but especially Del and Lynn (and of course Eileen)!


Meet Lisa Gillette!

I am 33. Old enough that I have to think about it now, lol. I’ve been married 5 years this year and have 3 year old named Lily and 7 month old Lucy. Lily and I volunteer at Glacier Hills and I volunteer at the Humane Society of Huron Valley. I love photography too! 

My family is my biggest motivation to exercise. I want to be healthy for myself but be around for my husband and daughters as well. I want to be a good example for my girls! Fresh from having a baby I was eager to tone up once I got the green light.

I’ve been with Delirium since late December 2017 when I tried a class and signed up pretty much immediately.

I love that you’re never doing one thing for very long. So even if you feel like you’re going to die you know it’s not much longer. I love how it’s always different so I don’t get bored.

The FIRST time I went there all these ladies were cheering me on. It was amazing! Too often moms or women in general try to tear each other down but it’s always uplifting and positive there. Besides the groaning about the bike or woman-makers 😉

Since joining, I feel stronger and faster. It’s a slow process (that I know would  be faster if I didn’t like chocolate so much) but I’m seeing muscle definition in my abs and upper body.. Two places I have always struggled with! I feel more confident and just happier in general. I was a hard place for a couple months after having Lucy and I feel like it’s just what I needed. I’m a stay at home Mom so I feel like this is something for me and I’m taking care of myself.

In general, if I don’t see or feel results I give up pretty quickly and get out of the good habits I just started for myself. I feel great and I’ve lost a couple inches and can’t imagine quitting now! 

This place has exceeded my expectations. Not only have I been able to push myself to the limit without injury but I just feel so much better in every aspect of my life!