Member Spotlight: Braiden!
Our member spotlight is Braiden Reyes. Braiden has amazing positive energy and works hard in class alongside his wife, Shannon. His devotion to his new lifestyle is what earned him the member spotlight!

I own a plumbing company and have a house, 4 kids (ages 16-20) and 2 dogs. I am stretched so thin for time as it is and me and Shannon enjoying going to class together. It’s something that she and I can do together and I don’t want to take away from that or commit to something that I may not be able to give my all.
My fitness journey began when I weighed 330lbs and my doctor and life insurance rep had a heart to heart conversation and said I need to make some changes. It all started around Thanksgiving of 2018. I first started with just trying to eat 100% better and smaller portions. It was a real struggle at first and I did a lot of reading about the food that is good and bad and how what foods we eat determines so many factors inside our bodies. I decided to try 16 hour fasts. It has worked well for me and now that I’m used to it, it’s everyday life for me. I wanted to make sure this decision wasn’t a “diet” but more of a lifestyle change.
I have been plumbing for almost 20 years. I may only be 38 but my knees feel like I’m 60. My doctor told me if I lose weight my knees would feel better (he was right). I needed to find something I enjoyed that was low impact to my knees so I decided to try spinning. Shannon works with a woman that comes to Delirium and she suggested it. I figured anything is worth a shot at least once. That was at the beginning of December 2018.
As of today, I have lost a total of 57 pounds by mostly proper eating and spinning 2-3 times per week.
I have witnessed noticeable changes from exercise and weight loss. I have battled with sleep apnea for years. I haven’t had another sleep study since the weight loss but I definitely sleep much better. My knees rarely hurt anymore. I seem to have a lot more energy. I’m In a overall better mood. I feel more productive and I’m literally swimming in my clothes from the weight loss.
The main thing I love about cycling is that is low impact on my joints. I also enjoy cycling in a group with an instructor and music. I love the accomplishment you feel after a hour of riding!
Delirium Fitness is a great comfortable place to work out. Everyone always is friendly and supportive and the atmosphere is very family like. The facility is small and clean and inviting. The bikes are well maintained and nice to ride. All the instructors are great and have different strengths in their instructing. We have definitely found our favorites!